Monday, August 20, 2007

Johor : Danga Bay's Cafe Cowboy

It was a cool evening that the rain just stopped when we got off the car.
We were attracted by the series of banners, both along the pavement at street mall and inside the street mall.
After 20 minutes wandering the street mall, we finally found the cafe hiding at the far end of the street mall.

Highly recommended :
1. Nasi Lemak with chicken (The sambal was hot & spicy. If you do not take spicy food, beware of the burning sensation in stomach...)
2. Banana leaf rice with mutton (It was not hot. If you like hot food, may try on their steamboat which we did not after taking a look at the ingredients.)
3. Ampula drink

Not recommended :
1. Barley (too sweet)

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